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我们介绍了用于有效索引字符串的RadixStringsPline(RSS)学习索引结构。RSS是一个基数树,每个索引固定数量的字节。RSS方法或超过传统字符串索引的性能,同时使用7-70 $ \ times $少的内存。RSS通过使用最小的字符串前缀来实现这一目标,以充分区分数据与索引整个字符串的大多数探测方法不同的数据。此外,RSS的界限错误性质加速了最后一英里的搜索,也可以启用内存有效的哈希表查找加速器。我们对艺术和热门的几个真实弦乐数据集进行基准RSS。我们的实验表明,这种研究线可能对未来的内存密集型数据库应用有望。
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Automated synthesis of histology images has several potential applications in computational pathology. However, no existing method can generate realistic tissue images with a bespoke cellular layout or user-defined histology parameters. In this work, we propose a novel framework called SynCLay (Synthesis from Cellular Layouts) that can construct realistic and high-quality histology images from user-defined cellular layouts along with annotated cellular boundaries. Tissue image generation based on bespoke cellular layouts through the proposed framework allows users to generate different histological patterns from arbitrary topological arrangement of different types of cells. SynCLay generated synthetic images can be helpful in studying the role of different types of cells present in the tumor microenvironmet. Additionally, they can assist in balancing the distribution of cellular counts in tissue images for designing accurate cellular composition predictors by minimizing the effects of data imbalance. We train SynCLay in an adversarial manner and integrate a nuclear segmentation and classification model in its training to refine nuclear structures and generate nuclear masks in conjunction with synthetic images. During inference, we combine the model with another parametric model for generating colon images and associated cellular counts as annotations given the grade of differentiation and cell densities of different cells. We assess the generated images quantitatively and report on feedback from trained pathologists who assigned realism scores to a set of images generated by the framework. The average realism score across all pathologists for synthetic images was as high as that for the real images. We also show that augmenting limited real data with the synthetic data generated by our framework can significantly boost prediction performance of the cellular composition prediction task.
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Effective management of public shared spaces such as car parking space, is one challenging transformational aspect for many cities, especially in the developing World. By leveraging sensing technologies, cloud computing, and Artificial Intelligence, Cities are increasingly being managed smartly. Smart Cities not only bring convenience to City dwellers, but also improve their quality of life as advocated for by United Nations in the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal on Sustainable Cities and Communities. Through integration of Internet of Things and Cloud Computing, this paper presents a successful proof-of-concept implementation of a framework for managing public car parking spaces. Reservation of parking slots is done through a cloud-hosted application, while access to and out of the parking slot is enabled through Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology which in real-time, accordingly triggers update of the parking slot availability in the cloud-hosted database. This framework could bring considerable convenience to City dwellers since motorists only have to drive to a parking space when sure of a vacant parking slot, an important stride towards realization of sustainable smart cities and communities.
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Driving through pothole infested roads is a life hazard and economically costly. The experience is even worse for motorists using the pothole filled road for the first time. Pothole-filled road networks have been associated with severe traffic jam especially during peak times of the day. Besides not being fuel consumption friendly and being time wasting, traffic jams often lead to increased carbon emissions as well as noise pollution. Moreover, the risk of fatal accidents has also been strongly associated with potholes among other road network factors. Discovering potholes prior to using a particular road is therefore of significant importance. This work presents a successful demonstration of sensor-based pothole mapping agent that captures both the pothole's depth as well as its location coordinates, parameters that are then used to generate a pothole map for the agent's entire journey. The map can thus be shared with all motorists intending to use the same route.
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We propose RANA, a relightable and articulated neural avatar for the photorealistic synthesis of humans under arbitrary viewpoints, body poses, and lighting. We only require a short video clip of the person to create the avatar and assume no knowledge about the lighting environment. We present a novel framework to model humans while disentangling their geometry, texture, and also lighting environment from monocular RGB videos. To simplify this otherwise ill-posed task we first estimate the coarse geometry and texture of the person via SMPL+D model fitting and then learn an articulated neural representation for photorealistic image generation. RANA first generates the normal and albedo maps of the person in any given target body pose and then uses spherical harmonics lighting to generate the shaded image in the target lighting environment. We also propose to pretrain RANA using synthetic images and demonstrate that it leads to better disentanglement between geometry and texture while also improving robustness to novel body poses. Finally, we also present a new photorealistic synthetic dataset, Relighting Humans, to quantitatively evaluate the performance of the proposed approach.
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Denoising diffusion models hold great promise for generating diverse and realistic human motions. However, existing motion diffusion models largely disregard the laws of physics in the diffusion process and often generate physically-implausible motions with pronounced artifacts such as floating, foot sliding, and ground penetration. This seriously impacts the quality of generated motions and limits their real-world application. To address this issue, we present a novel physics-guided motion diffusion model (PhysDiff), which incorporates physical constraints into the diffusion process. Specifically, we propose a physics-based motion projection module that uses motion imitation in a physics simulator to project the denoised motion of a diffusion step to a physically-plausible motion. The projected motion is further used in the next diffusion step to guide the denoising diffusion process. Intuitively, the use of physics in our model iteratively pulls the motion toward a physically-plausible space. Experiments on large-scale human motion datasets show that our approach achieves state-of-the-art motion quality and improves physical plausibility drastically (>78% for all datasets).
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